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::iii: 6 Gofj'el-Canverfation. never took upweapons, all their armor were prayers and tears. Qb j. But we do (you'l fay) now; arenot our Wars-for the defence of Religion. Anf. Now to that it's cleerly anfwered thus, Our warrs are for the defence ofthe Civil Right we have to the outward pra- dice of our Religion, and fo by weapons we may defend our civil Right, that is, if we live in fuch a State where we have civil Right by the Laws ofthe Sate to the peacable enjoyment of our Religion, if any fhall come to defturb us, then by the vertue ofour civil Right we may take up weapons to fight and defend our felves with ; I but this is not as a Church, nor meer- ly for Religion, for if now the civil State should be fo chan- ged that theSupream Power fhouldbe againft the waies ofR,eli- gion, yet for civil things they would defend us, but for the waies of Religion they were againft us in it, I confefs in fuch a cafe for men that have no civil authority at all to take up weapons, to force any practice, or way of Religion, this would not be warrantable by Chrift, and by this we fhould fight for the kingdom of Chrift by other weapons than ever Chrift bath appointed ; but now; when we have the civil Po- wer, the civil Magiftrate may grant civil Liberty, and civil Liberty for the outward practice of Religion, and fo we may defend fuch aRight as this for the peacable practice ofour Re- ligion, that none fhouldcome to force any other falfeReligi- on upon us. But now, the kingdom of Chrift is not of this world, the weapons ofChrifts kingdom are fpiritual weapons ; and in thofe times when there were no outward weapons to de- fend the kingdom of Chrift, as in the Primitive times when all civil States were againft the kingdomofJefus Chrift,Did it not thrive ? We are ready to fay,All Religionwell be taken away ex- cept there be fuch compulfary waies; I donot fay but there may be compulfion to keep men from mifchieving ofothers . in things that are againft the foundation. But now for the railing up of the Kingdom of Chrift we know that when there was no compulfary waies, yet thekingdom of Jefus Chrift went on and flourifhed as much as ever it hath doneliince, fo that the kingdom of Chrift is not of this world, He hathnot coni- witted to His Church thofe weapons that are carnal, all their weapons