154 Gofpel-Converfatian.. nothing to do withal till they be brought into the kingdom of Chriff, namely, the feats of the Covenant, with forne others that might be named : That's the great priviledge of thofe that are under the. Kingdom ofChrift, to have right to all Ordinances; Certainly all Saints and beleevers, have right unto all, but they are to come in an orderly way to them. 5. By being tinder the Kingdom ofChrift,there is this Priviledge Protection. As Kings should be the protedors of their fiibje 1s : Tefus Chrift hath taken upon Him the proteFtion ofall fuch as come under Him, all power in Heaven and Earth is gven unto Chriff, and it is all exercifed for their protection, todeliver them from dangers bodily. and fpiritual, to protect their fouls, they are under Chrifts Kinglypower for protection when any temp- tation to fin comes, they fhould fly unto Chriff as King, to fhield them from their enemies, when their fpiritual enemies come in like a floud., then the Spirit of Chrift fets up a flandard againff them. 6. TheyGall certainly havevigor) over all their enemies : This Kingdom (hall never be (haken, let all the world confpire what they will againff ir, the gates ofHei fhall not prevail againft it, rio cunning devifes, no fubtil waies (hall ever overcome this. Kingdom, no, nor any one fubjecf of this Kingdom. This is a priviledge beyond what is in the world. A Kingdom may preferve its felf fo as to contiue a Kingdom, but many fubjeds may be deffroyed in the prefervation of it : but this is fuch a Kingdom as there fhall never one fubjecf be deffroied in it, that is,_ All the enemies (hall never take offone fubject from this king- dom indeed they may takeaway their bodily lives; but that is but a transferring of them to the more glorious part of the kingdom that they (hall attain to : Then may a fubjecf of this kingdom be Paid to be deffroyed, when he (hall be cut offfrom. Chrift and lofe the grace that he bath received : but none (hall be thus deffroyed, but fhall be preferved by Chriff, and (hall certainly overcome all enemies, both inward and outward. And that's a fixt priviledge. 7.. By being in this Kingdom, Beleevers are made every one of them Kings : though they be fubjeds in.fome fenfe unto Chrift, sec Chtifl hull made them Kings and prieffs unto God (fo they are