7 Goffiel-Converfation. are called inScripture.) Ther's nokingdom where all the fub- jeCls are Kings; it is fo here, Chrifl makes all that come under His kingdom to be Kings and they have ( according to -shire princely State) the Angels to their guard ; as Kings have their guard where ever they go; fo the pooreft and meaneft Be- leever that is under this Kingdom of Chrift bath his guard of Angels wherefoever he goes; though it be a poor fmoky hole or Cottage that he lives in, yet it is guarded by Angels, everynight they keep the dore and watch about the Bed : Thus the Scrip- ture tells us that theAngles are Miniflring Spirits for Gods E- lea. s. The benefit ofthis kingdomof Chrift, It is fpiritual peace, andjoy in the holy ghofl : So in Rom. 14. 17. The kingdom ofGod confifts not in meat and drink, bast in righteou¡nefs, andpuce, and joy in theholy Ghofi; There's another manner of peace than the world gives. So Chrift in yohn, 1 +17. Peace Ileave with you, Mypeace Igive untoyou ,not as the worldgiveth,give Iontoyou. It's thenote ofa learned Interpreter (peaking of this place, I give -Trot peace as the world gives; the world gives peace (faith he ) by taking away afilklions from a troubled perfon ; but Chrift gives peace by taking away a troubled perfon from afflic`lion His meaning is this ; the worlds way to give peace, is to take a- way trouble from us: but the way that Chrift bath is to take the trouble ofour hearts from our afllielion : the world cannot give fo long as the affliFlion continues, but Chrifl gives peace though the affliction Both continue; that's thus, Chrifl He takes off the troublefomnefs ofmens hearts from the a filic`lion ; theworld takes off the afpietion from the trouble ofmens hearts : now this is a great deal better peace when the trouble of our hearts is taken away, though the afflietion continues, rather thenwhen the affliction is taken away and trouble of heart con- tinues. I give peace, nor as the world gives peace, 'tìs inward peace, the worlds is outward,the world takes away Tome trou- ble, but I take away the very root ofall trouble ; the branches are taken away by the peace of the world ; that is, whereas you had not trading before, nor the freedom ofyour eflates before, you (hall have that now; but the root ofall your trouble the world cannot take away, that is, fin, but I take away fin that Y z is -----... -s