_ 4 Gofpel-Converfation. ment to reconcile them to himfelf again. Namly, the fecond PerIon in trinity takes mans nature upon him, and becomes the Head of a fecond Covenant, handing charged with mans fin, and to anfwer for it in a way of fuffering what the Law and devine Jultice required, and for making fatisfacction, and keeping the Law perfedly,, which fatisfa6tion and rightouf- nefs he tenders up unto the Father as a fweet favor of Reff for the fouls of thofe that are given to him and now, this media- tion of Chriff is by the appointment of the Father Preached to the children ofmen, ofwhatNation or rank foever, freely of- fering this unto [inners for attonement for them , requiring them to beleeve in him, and upon beleeving, promifing not on- ly a difcharge of all their former fins, but that they fhall never enter into condemnation, that none of their fins or unworthi- nefs fhall ever hinder the peace ofGod with them, brit that they fhall through him be received into the number ofSons, that they fhall have the Image ofGod again tobe renewed in them,and that they fhal bekeep by the palter ofGod throughfaith grid falvAtien, that the fouls and bodies fhall be railed to the height of glory that fuch creatures are capable of, that they fhall live for ever enjoying the prefence ofGod and Chrift, in the fullnefs ofall good; this is the Gofpell ofChriff, this is the fum of the gofpel that is preached unto finners, when you hear fpeaking of the gofpel your thoughts may be about this, this gladTydings that is come into the world for falvation ofCinfull creatures through Jefus Chriff and all the good things that Jefus Chriff by his blood hath purchafed for finners. WhenMinifters are caid theMinifters of the Gofpel, the mea- ning is, they are appointed by God, Knitters to declare and to preach thefe glad Tydings to the world : Oh it is glad Tydings itideed to the world; could there be fuch glad tidings preached at Hell gates, that there were any fuch way ofreconciliation of them to God, we could not but conceive there would be joy there they would account it acceptablenews !indeed. Now then, Thofe that do beleeve this gofpel, or do profefs it, that they have entertained this gofpel, this glad Tydings, they mull be careful( to walk in their Converfation fo as it be- comes this Gofpel,as becomes Such glorious glad Tydings as are Sent onto them frQua Heaven. Sil _ _ _