Geel-Converjation. 167 art a f theworld, thy name is written in the earth, thou artbut living duff and aches at the belt. And the world is like to be the onlyportion of thy foul, thou art a f ranger to the. King- dom of Jefus the third That's ould have been this : Here we fee the vje 3 U main thing that Both hinder people from theKingdom of Jefus Chrift : What is that which keeps off men from coming under the Scepter of this King of Saints, from fubjeaing themfelves to His Kingdom ? Certainly, this point thews it cleerly, His King- dom is not of this world, were th e Kingdom of Jefus Chrift of this world, then people would flock into it, Who would not joyn in fuck a Kingdom and be a member therof, where he could have worldly glory and pomp and riches and bravery ; bnt now becaufe it is not ofthis world, therefore they flight it : As I re- member we reade in the Gofpel ofHerod, that when he heardof the'great Miracles that Chrift wrought, Herod fent for Chriff, and he longed a great while to fee Jefus Chrift, but when Chrift came, and he faw Him a poor, mean, contemptible man, to the out ward eye,he thought to have Peen him tohave done fuch and fuch great things, and, to have been fuch a man as not the like upon the earth. But Chriff contemn'd Herod as much as Herod contemn'd Hitt, and Chrift Would not thew his glory before Herod, but appeared in his outwardrineánefs, and the text faith,. Herodjet Him at naught, he fet Him at naught when he faw him fo outward contemptible : And fo it is reported of the Roman Emperors, that hearing that Chrift fhould be the Kingof the Jews, and that out of Davids ftock there fhouldcome a King of the Jews, they fought,to deftroy all of that family that they could find out, and all theTribe of 7udah e But afterward, when they found out fome that were of the Kindred ofJefus Chrift, and faw that they were poor laboring men, that labored with their hands to eat their bread by the fweat of their brows, they fet them at naught and 'contetrin'd them ; certainly, this is the great offence to the world, that the Kingdoti ofChrift is notof the world, and as Chrift faith, Wo to the world, becaufe of offences; fo woe to the world becaufe ofhis great offence,Chrifts Kingdom being fo fpiritual, hence it' is that theworld, receives Him not, in i 7oh4,1o. And fo in john, 4. x.7+ .Evo theß iris of