Gof}iel-Converration. fpirit molt above that worldly fin, becaufe he was fo lunch taken up with Jefus Chrift. And indeed, the more any foul is taken up with the excellency of Chrift, and with theglorious things of His Kingdom, the more vile will the things of the world be to them. We loot¿ not at the things that arefen (faith the Apoftle) they are not things to be loo- ked at,But at the things that are notfeen. And in the 6.of the Ga1.14.ver.The Apoftle Paul,that was the great man for the promoting of Chrift in the world,and the letting up of His Throne ; he profeffes, That he was crucified to theworld,and the World was crucified to him : That is, he look't upon the world, but as a crucified thing. What efleem would you have ofa man that is hanging upon a gallows?All the world was to him no otherwife,was a thing crucified to him,& he was crucified to the world, the world cares not for me, and I care not for the world,.I am quit with it that way, and do as much flight, and contemn the world, and trample it.un- der foot, as the world flights and contemns me, and tram- ples me under foot. This fhould be the difpofition of a Chriftian that is under the kingdom ofChrift : for now it is to converfe with things ofanother nature : And there- fore you find that Chrift, He faith ofthofe that are given to Him by the Father, They are givenunto Him out orf the world : ?ohn, r.7.6. shave manifefled tdo Name to the men v'hom thou.haft given me out ofthe world.No men have Chrift manifefted unto them, but thofe whom the Father Joth give Him out of the world : Saith the Fatber;Here's fo .:a- ny of the world, And there are °a felea,company that I wl take out of this rudeheap and "mats ofman=kind ; and l'ie give them to thee Take them, and manifeft thy felfunto them. If this be fo, that thofe that come under Chrifts Kingdom, are given unto Him out of the world, then though they live in the world,th_ey fhould not live as of the world. Ï Secondly Thy arechofen ontt ofthe wórld,?ohn, z 5. 19. And they are delivered from the Worldby Chrift. Gal. 1.4. And' they are oppofed to the children ofthe World. I nkp, 16. 8, fpea- A a ._ king 271