Gof5el-Converfation. the Pharifees who were covetous, they deridedHim ; they blew theirnotes at Him, for that's themeaning ofthe Origi- nal. Like as a man that (corns and derides another fnivles in the note ; that's the proprietyofthe word, that is here tranflated derided. Oh ! a worldly heart is harder brought unto the Kingdom of Chrift : therefore biefs God fo much the more, that bath brought thy foul to underfand the myfferies ofChrifts Scepter, that bath tranflated thee into another Kingdom. II. Vfe. lithe Kingdom ofChrifl he not of this world then they are rebuked that do feek to make the Kingdom of Chrift a worldly Kingdom. I might name very many forts of men that do this : I will fpeak but of Three or Four. The firft is the Papif s, thofe that are Popifhly affeLted ; all their way is under the name ofhonoring ofChrift, to raife up a worldly Kingdom ; and therefore they make the Pope to be as an Emperor of all the world, as the King of Kings; and their Cardinals and many, of their Bifhops to be Princes, and all in a worldly pomp, and they carry it on, and maintain it by a worldly policy, and by worldly means,andworldly weapons,and therfore fir up the Kings of the earth to root out all thofe that are againft them thofe underhand not the kingdom ofChrift. Secondly, Such as would conform theGovernment of the Church meerly toworldly Government ; that becaufe worldly men may by their prudence order things as they pleafe in Common-wealths, fo as than be moil futable to them : therefore they falfly think, that the kingdom of Chrift muff be fo too ; that it mule be futed to every Coun- try : whereas the truth is, there is but one way of the Go- vernment of Ciirif% in all the world. The great Argu- ment of the Prelates was, .Indeed fay they, in teme places there may be another Government, where there is an f ri- ftocracy indie Civil Government ; hut where there is Mp- narchy, there mutt be a l3iihop. Now certainly that's not the way of Omit, to (me bimfelfin his Government, to Cc z the 287