218 C Converfation. the Government ofthe world. But the,Government that was in the primitive times, mull be fill. Thirdly, Such kindof men as think that the fuccefs of the Gofpel, and the Ordinances do depend upon worldly things ; as now, upon outward pomp : except there be fome outward pomp go along with the Gofpel ; As now, Great preferments of thofe that are the Preachers of the Gofpel, they think the Gofpel will be contemn'd elfe, and except the Ordinances be carried on in an outward pomp; They conceive that all will be defpifed : except there be Magnificent Temples built and beautified, and except brave Gold and Silver Chalifes, the Sacrament would be defpi- fed ; and except they have their Altars, and Rails about them with all their heathenifh vanities,Chrift is not wor- fhiped. But this is to look upon the Kingdom of Chrifl as the Kingdoms of the world ; but Oh no : the, kingdom of Chrif prevails where there is but little of the world with ir. I remember I have read ofone Boni face a Martyr, that being asked, whether it was lawful to give the Wine in the Sacrament, in a wooden Challis ; faith he, There wu time (indeed)when the Church hadwooden Challifes.andgol- den Priefts;but now; the Church hathgolden Challifes,andwoo- den Priefts. No queflion, in the primitive times, they had very mean things in the Lords Supper, and all things were carried in a very low way to a worldly eye : but (faith he) though their Challifes were wooden, the Priefs were gol- den : and fo the Gofpel did prevail. Oh ! it's the fpiritu- alnefs of things that makes the kingdomof Chrif to pre- vail ; many think that the Gofpel cannot prevail, except it bath abundance ofgingles of mens.wit, and tongues,and fuch kind offchòol-boy-vanities as there are, but the Go- fpel never prevails by fuch things ; but that which the world calls foolifhnefs, that is made thepower of God,and the wifdomofGod to Salvation : They have carnal hearts that think that the outward pomp, and gloryof the world Ihould be fuck a furtherance to theGofpel, as ifit fhould not thrive without it. Laílly, ,ll...1.m....111160