Go f fel-Converfation. 289 Laft ly, Thofe that think that theGofpel and the promoting of Chriffs kingdom depends wholly upon humane policy and ftrength, thefe do make the kingdom of Chrift to be but as a worldly kingdom. The laft Vie is this : If Chrifts kingdombe not of this world, then it teaches us all for to labor to further a kingdom ofChrift as diftin& from the world, it is a great Point that I am fpeaking of, about furthering the kingdom ofChrift as diffinet from the kingdoms of the world. Chrift himfelfprofeífes that he came in- to the world to witnefs to this truth : and thereforecertainly we fhould do fo likewife. It is in the very next words to my text, when Chrift had faid his Kingdomwas not of this world, Pilate faid to Him,Art thou a King then ? Jefus anfwered, Thoufaiefl I am a Icing. To this end was I born,and for this caufe came I into the world, that 1 fbouldbear witnefs to the Truth. Truth, Pilateasked Himwhat the Truth was ? but he Raid not for an anfwer : but certainly theTruth that Chrift means here, is the Truth of His Kingdom.Oh my brethren,it is a matter of fo great confequence, that it is a fpecial end why Chrift came into the world, why He was born, that he fhould witnefs to this Truth. Then certainly we fhould account it a great end ofour lives to fet to our feal to this Truth of the Kingdom ofChrift, as diftina from the world, let this be a great engagement on our fpirits, to further the prea- ching of theKingdom, further it as many waits as you can, im- prove your Eftates,improve your Credits,yourEfteem ,your Pla- ces for theKingdom ofChrift ; and then, Oh how comfortable will your death be ! though you fhould not live here to enjoy all the priviledges that the Saints inother ages Thal have in the-king- dom ofChrift;yet when yowdie your death (hall bebut a paffage ofyou into the glorious Kingdom ofJefus Chrift, for there's a KingdomofChrift beyond this world, though Chrift will rule Spiritually while this world hits : but when men are taken off from this world6 ethey itdh go into the I will conclude, ad'befidcts In z Peter, 5, this, giving all diligence, Ad toyourfaith vertue, and to vertsse, knoWledg; ad to knowledg temperance,and to temperancepatience,and topatiencegodlinefs,d- togodlixefs brotherly kZindnefs Cr to brotherly kindnef s charity;for ifthefe things be inyou &abound,they make, t