290 fiof7iel- Cenverfation. thisye"hall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knoWledg ofour Lord 7efimChrift : Arid fo he goes,on further in his exhortations; and in the o. verfe, Wheerefore the rash, r trethren, give diligence,to male your calling and elefltonfare for tfye do thefè things youfaall neverfall:forfo an entrance fhal be mirrfiredunto_you abundantly into theeverlafling Kingdom of'ourLord and Savior Wits Chrifl. Chriti is here a King, He rules in his Church in a fpiritu,:l way : but when this world is done, He ¡hall be a King, and ifyou benow godly you ¡hall have an abundant entrance into theeverlafting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jefus Chrift : Mark,when a Be- leever dies, he goes into the Kingdome ofJefus Chrift, he goes 'but from one adminihration of it to another, but Rill he is in the fameKingdom of Chrift:here's thedifference between the death of the men of the world, and the death of the Saints : the men of the world they are of the world, and they are under the Kingdom ofdarknefs,and when they die theygo to the Kàngdom of darknefs : and theSaints they are now under the Kingdomof Chrift fpirìtually, andwhen they die they go to another admini- firation of the Kingdom of Chrift, and the more godly men are, the more abundant entrance ¡hall they have into the everlafting Kingdom ofour Lord and Savior Jefus Chrift. Now fuppofe his Excellency, that bath done fo much fervice for the Kingdom, when he (hall come, What an entrance will be made for him into the City? Every man that is a free Subject may come freely into the City, no body may wrong him, and he flail enjoy the Liberty ofthe City ; but he hathnot that abundant Entrance into it as a man that bath done much for the kingdom we live in. So now, every godly manor woman, if they have but the leaft degree ofgrace, they ¡hall come into the Kingdom of Chrift, I but thofe that arepowerfully godly,burning and íhi- ning latnps,and have been very active and faithful to the death; when they die, the Gates ofHeaven ¡hall be fet wide open, and they (hail have an Abundant Entrance into the EverlaftingKing- dom ofour Lord and Savior Jefus Chrift. FINIS.