Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

Gof jel-Converfatiosa. 295 vilitt44kr14414**A4,04414 40404, ^+ 0 ' 4947.3 4.44.44 +404. ,44. t viiv*A tfi v * -ty t : ßr4; 99 T E MISERY O F THOSE Men that have their Portion Preached on rafter .Mun- ril in this Life. day, ..q r 3. 1643. before Ifaac Penning- ton, then Lord P S AL. 17. 14. Major of From men ofthe World, who have their London' Portion in this Lifè. 40.444.49.**His Pfalm is Davids moan unto God under /dol. inPfal. ^ ^14 ^ S prefecution, without doubt the Pfal. T miff aims at Saul in it : In it we have thefe pia) four things. 44444'44 I. He appeals unto God, to judg the rigb- 464 teoufnefs of his heart towards Saul, verle 2. Let myfentence come fern thy prefence : from Saul and his Courtiers,there comes a hard fentence,they call me Traitor, they call me Rebel, but Lord leave me not unto their fen- tence,let my fentence come from thy prefence; that I know will beanother fentence than what cometh from them, for thou haft proved me, and tried me, and findeft nothing in me. This is the firft thing. z. His prayer to God, to keep him in his way, hisgoing,and footfieps fromfiiding, verfe 5. Lord whatfoever the wrath of Saul be againft me,yet let neither that,nor any other thing, put me out of thy way, but keep myheart clofe unto thee, and keepmy paths in thy way let not my foot ff: ps fo much as flide from thee, for Lord they watch for my halting; if they can find but the leaf' (lip from me,they take advantage of it to the utmoft; and I am a poor and a weak creature, there-