292 F The Mifery of thofe Men thereforeLord help me, that my footfleps may not Elide. 3. He prayesfor deliverance. verfe 7. thew thymarvei- lous lovingkindnefs to me;Lordmy firaights they are mar- veilous ; I know not what to doe, whither to turn me, but my eyes are towards thee; as (lraights aremarveilous,fo let the loving kindnefs ofGod be marvelous towards me, and keep me as the appleof thy eye; O Lord unto them I am but as a dog, a vile creature in the eyes of Saul, and thofe about him,but ble%d be thy name,I can look up to thee,and know that I am deer unto thee, as theapple of thy eye ; All the Saints ofGod are dear to God at all times, but the perfecu ted Saints, they are the apple ofGods eye; ifat any time they are dear toGod, then efpecially when they are molt perfecuted;now they are theappleof his eye,& the apple of an eye is weak,and little able to refill any'hurt,but fo much the more is the man tender of the apple,ofhis ey:The Saints are weak and thiftles for thefm.elves,but the Lord is fomuch themore tender over them;andone Argument thatthePfal- mi(l ufes in prayingagainl his enemies is this,and a fpecial- one, becaufe they profpered fo much'in this world, they are inclofed in fat, and have their hearts defire,and thou fillet their bellieswith thy hid treafure;they leave to their babes, 'they have their protion in this life,.Lord keep me from them. 4. He doth profefs his refolution; yet not withllanding al the dangers he was in,to go on in thewayes of God, and ex- peas a garcions iffue;but I (faith he) wil behold thy face in righteoufnefs ; indeed I cannot behold the faceof the King without danger to me ; there are a great many that run to kil me,and, they delire his face ; but though I cannot lee his face,yet Lord' I (hall behold thy face;I will behold thy face, and it (hall be in righteoufnefs, I will hill keep on in the waies of righteoufnefs,and when I awake,for I believe that thefe troubles will riot hold long, I fhall not sleep inperpe- tual ileep,but Iliad awake & be delivered; & then (hall I be fatisfied with thy likenefs: There (hall be the manife(lation ofthy glory to me, that (hall fatisfie me for all the trouble that I have endured for thy Names fake ; that my foul (hall fay I have enough; and this is the fum of this 17. Pfaim. Now