thathave tderr Portion in this life. Now the words are read untoyou : they are a defcription of V¢widsadverfaries : implying in argument, why he would be delivered from them; they are defcribed to be men of this world, theyare only thofe that were adverfaries to him : And a comfort it muti needs be to the Saints ofGod, to fee that none are their enemies, but the men of this world ; men of this world, who have their portion in this life, they have fomewhat here, and here is all they are like to have. z. It implieth the Argument, why he would be delivered ; Lord , deliver me from them , becaufe they are men of this world, who have their portion in this life; Wherein loth con- flit the force ofthis Argument ? where Imes the force of this Ar- gument, that he would be delivered from them, becaufe they were men of this world , that have their portions in this life? It confitis frti in this : Lord , They care not what injuttice they do, they have no regard to any thing, but in this world, there- fore be it right or wrong, may they have but their lulls in this world , that is all they care for , Lord deliver me from fuch men. 3. Here is all their good , their portion is in this life, and therefore they are greedy upon this; let it be upon the ruin of never fo manymen , though it be to reife their eilates by my ru- in, and the ruin others onhaving their lulls face fied, for here they ? they are greedy p is all their portion. 3. Their portion is here in this world : They care not for Religion , they will make ufe ofpretencesof Religion any way for their own ends , what care they what Protetlation they make for Religion , and the maintainance of it , fo be it that they may ruine me; they regard not at all any thing in re- gard to have their own ends : Lord deliver me from fuch men. g,. They have their portion in this world : Hence it is a it their hearts are fo fwelled with pride in their lutte , and Co warms their malice , it is fo heated with fuch outrages ; Oh let not the foot of pride come upon me , deliver me from proud men, that arc $ulh'd with the er joymnt ,of their hearts ¿ekes. P d 5. They 297