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298 the Miler, of thofe Men 5. They look only to what they enjoy in this world, and ther- fore fo long as they may have their own ends and own lufts, they will be exceedingly hardened in their own waits, they will give noglory to thee, but will be fo much the more ir,ra- gei againf# me , by taking it as an argument , that their waits are good, Lord therefore deliver me from thole men. 6. They are men that fco~n at prayer, or at any thing that is laid concerning the tendernefs of canfcience, they defpife confcienceand prayer : Lord let me never fall into the hands cf fuch men as thole are , deliver me from the men of this world, who have their portion in this life.Fortheopeningof the words, from the men ofthe world : the words are tranflared by forme, from revel/ ne,n, from men though of the wot ld, yet are not like toeg?y the world long, for the Oi iginal doth fignifie as much from frail men, they fhall not have it long, in .the 8g, Pfflm, 47. Remember how fhort my time i+; what little time I have in this world , the word- is from the men that (hall have but a little time in this world, and the men ofthis world, the Hebrew word here, that is tranflated men, fornetimeswith but the change of the pofirion of one prick, it lignifies dead men, mertui as well as vivi, I fay, with the change not ofa prick, but only oche pofitionof one prick, of onepoint, is lignifies dead men ; they are men ofthis world, but fuch men as are within one prick of death, within one point fodeath, howáoever they rejoyce who have their portion, their dimen- lion that is given out unto them in this life; the word life, though in the fingular number in your books, in the Hebrew it is in the plural, Lives , they are men that have all they have, but only leafed for their lives, nay not fa much as leafed, they have but an elate for life u the mofi, and this prefent life un- to them is inflead ofall lives; from the men ofthis world, that have their portion in this life ; there are thereTwo Doetrinel Conclufions in the words that lieplainiy before you; thefrft is, V0 L. Thera are a Generation ofmen, to whom GodgivesTome outwardgood things for a while, but theft are all that ever they are like to have, they fhvfl nevar have any moregoodfrom God, than they havebereft,. the re- fent:; that is the firft. That