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3 co The /Wifely of there Men have ,for ought I know) as ftrong arguments of Gods Love tb him, a, manyof you (I tear) to this day. I. Saari was a man chofen immediately by Grad hemfelf, to be the Brit King that ever was over his own people; and was not that a great favor? 2. Saul for his pet fan, wasoneof the goodli.:ft men that was arnong(t all Iftael , higher from the fhoulders to the head than any of them. 3. For his Endowments , he was a manwhomeGod did en. dow with admirable gifts of Government : he caufed another fpirit to comeupon him : he was a man that when he heard of bis preferment , (earned to be very humble , as judging himfelf unworthy of tech a dignity; inthe írff of Samuel, 9, 2t. Saith be , Who am I, and what is my Fathers houfe , that 1fhould be that chofen? And when he had beenchofen, force that would rejc& him , Childrenof Belial, that norwirh(landing Gods honoring of him, yet would feel( to cafi dithonor upon him, yet this Saul, had mighty power over his fpirit, he was very meek and a quiet man, in the firtt of Samuel, I . 27. the text faith, Beheld bi . peace, when the Children of Belial laid, What have we to de with him ? 4. Though he were quiet in his own caufe, yet he (hewed himfeif to have an excellent fpirit of Goverment in him, in a publick caufe; he was tull of anger when it was for the good of the people, that he was a Governor over ; though quiet in bis own ; in the firft of Samuel, is.6. When he heard üfadi(- honor done to the the people of Ifrael, theText faith, that hit anger did rile within him; an excellent pattern for all Goveri nors, for all in publique places, to be very filent, and quiet, [elf denying: putting up wrongs in their own caufe ; buttes be full of zeal for the public(( satire; to referve their fpirits for a publick good : Many there are in publicir places, that when they are ar,ger'd in their private saute ; how full of fpi- rit they are, and they fpend their fpiritthere fo much, that they bave no fpirit at all, when,it comes to a publickcaul.; Sad went beyond them in flit, . Swdl