that have thei Pcrtiort in thelife. vordiimaiv" 3°t 5. Said wal ewe, who was much troubled at the finof the people againft God ; not only had a (pint tovindicate a publickwrong, but when he law the people fin againft God,hîs heart was much troubled at their very fin,and fee- sued tobe grieved for it, and mighty folicitous andcareful about it, to prevent fin in the people; this you (hall have to i Sam. 14.33. they told Saul there, That the people had finned in eatingwith blood, upon that Saul {hew hirnfelf difpleafed, Come (faith he) and do not fin again(} the Lord, roul a fton to me hither; and fn he would fee with his own eyes, that they did flay the Cartel, and they did poure forth the blood, that they might not fin againfi God, in eating blood; this was his care. 6. Seul he was very careful to enquire ofGod, what he should do in butinefíesof great conftquence,in the 37. ver. of that 14. chap. of the i of Samuel, there he would not goout, till he had ñrft enquired ofGod. Yea more than all this, 7. He was a man that had a very reverend efleemof the Prophets of God : when Samuel came to him, in the 1 of Samuel i5. 13. 0 thou blefred ofthe Lord (faith Saud+ to Samuel) Yea, yet further than this; a ° "' 8. WhenSamuel (hewed untohim, what his finwas, inc tee 3o ver. of that 15. chap. he comes and confeffis it be fort the people,and faith,/ havefinned;t have finned again& theLord : meetly at theconv &ion of one Prophet : Yea, yet more then this, ,er ' 9. God filmed to be with Saul very much, and toPhew great refpe& unto him, to make him an Inftrutnent of much good to Ifrael ; He granted unto him as glorious a vi&ory as ever manhad in this world:( for fo we may cal it) and ifthere be any outward thing in the world might be gathered as an argument of Gods love, then loch a re- wettable vi&ury'as he hadover his enemies : the vi&ory' you (hail find in the r of Samuel, 13.5. and fo readon af terwxtd* in that Chapin', and the ne*t, you (hall find. tbere,