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302 The Miter) of theft Men there, that the Philiflims Were rifcn up againti him, and Ifrael ; and there were thirty thoufand Cflariots, of his Adverfariee of the Philiflims, and fix thoufand horfmen, and people as the fand of the Sea for nmultitude, befides all this ; We1, here was a mightyEnemy : What hadSaul tooppofe ahefe ? You tbalt find in the 2. verfe of that t4, chapter, that there were but fix hundred men with Saul: here was of one fide thirty thoufand Chariots, here was fix thoufand horfinen, here was people as the fandof the Sea without number, and Saul hadbut fix hundred with him, at this time ; yea, and of tho(e .fix hundred, there was not any one of them that had a (word, but onlySaul, and yonathane; for the Philiflims were wifeenough to dif- arm all the Malïgnants ( that they accounted fo) and would not It fo much at a Smith be a±nongf them, they would not only take away their Arms, but they would, look to them, to lee that they had noarms fupplied unto them; that was the wifdorn of the Fh}liflinsr; yet we find, (ifyou reade af:.erwards ) in the Scrip.urc, that God was fo far .h Saul, that he bltfred hurl, and gave him victory over all there. &fdee all this. to. God bleffed Saul with a very gracions Child, a godly fon, ofa (west nature, Lathan, which indeed, Vent? outward argument in the world, might bean argu- ment of Gods love, that might be ; Lour now put all thefe things together, and yet here is the man that bath his Portion in this world : I now challenge the man, efpeci- ally. oneâ I challenge. him that -bath certain evidence ofa Mightywork of God upon him in Chrifi, let him thew me greater arguments of Gods love to him, than Saul.might have done; and yet it proved to be Saul, Portion, that he fh uld have only his portion in this world : God herein thews that His mercy is His own, and that He will let out His mercy as He plcafeth ; It if your Fathers pleafure togive you a Kingdom : The Father doles out the Portion as He pleateti unto His Children ; God will lee the Line of His mercy ro gothùa far to one, and there flop and fo far to another,