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that have the it Portion in thk life. 303 another, and there flop ; and then come in a crofa line again unto them; God fo difpores o4. his mercy that there are Tome that (hall have Heaven and Earth robe their por- tion, and their portion is bìeffd indeed There are Tome that (hell have Earth, but not Heaven, and their portion is poor , andmean, and fad ; there are others that (hall have Heaven, but not earth, and their portion is good ; And there are otherá that *fill/ nthher have Heaven nor Earth, and their portion ( you'! fay) is mìÇe.rable indeed : Gods mercy is Hisown totdsèpcfeof, as He will. We reads that 4brahim in Gan. 7 í. 14 ll.:tale fe r Minted afl and H.r er, and he gives them a pieceof bread, a bottle of witer, andfends them away, there's an end of them. So 7-chaffed/Alt in she 2of Chron. 21.3. Hegave 614 other fon ((a h the ,:exc )gifts, but the Kingdom he gave to lehoram ; So God huh people to whom he gives pit.cra ,..,f bread , bottie5of water, yea (orne to whom tie gives great gifts in this world ; buf he keeps his inheritance for his Ifaac, He keeps the. Kingdom for Jeboram : Efate, he had hit portion in this world, and fuch a portion as he thought robe a ven, good portion : in Gen. 33, g. Brother ( faith he) Ihave enough,. Mott rich men are complaining : they gonot fo far a, Efate, they have their portion, and yet complain of it; Efeu herb hie portion, and thought he had enough. Chilli?, Auditors, in the 6. of Luke, 24. they had their portion in this world, Wo to you, here it your confolation (faithChrist unto t berth) °dread - ful! fpeech ! wo to this man, wo to thefe, here h their con- folationc. Dives he had portion in this world,in Luke, i 6. 25. Son,rentember in thy life time thou hadf( thy ple.,fure; and thou badjithy good things, they were thy good hings, thofe things that were meafured out for thee, thiu halt} them in thy lifetime. In the handlingof this A,guwnent, I ihall divide what I have to fay hi thefe toss Particu& era : that you (ray every one of you, goon the more ie4dlty along with one. Eis rt..