that 7nve'th 'eiP Ivo átf ig`tñk lite. 2 Tirilly. Therefore, fomenhat you Pall have ; and the day of patience is mans day : in z 04.4. 3. faith theApo- f}1e there, Ipaf?not for mans judgement : The words are in the Greek, For mans Day. l pats not for mans day, fo the words may be tranflated ; as if the Apo:ile 'flmuld lay , it is true, Man carries all before him now, man hath all the doings now at this day, and he may judg and ce;alure as tie pelafeth ; it is but his day, and I pafs..not for mans day; the day of patience. may prove to be marts c;ay; that is the third. Fourthly, Wicked men, they, -do fivoseFbat Pr God bere, fame kind o ffervice, tbst is a: leaff,rnalOally afervice for God and God will not have them clamour upon Him, th t they have nothing for their work; Gcd. will give to eve- ry one Comet hing for what they do for Him , though it be never foolit*lety,uhere in this wor Id. You hove a fa- mous place for that inEzekiel, 29. IS, 19, 20. e,bucbad- nezzer Kingtsoissliabyton, caufed. his Army to ferve a great fervice againft `brio, yet had he no wages for his Army, (faith God) he had no wages for his fervice; well, there- fore, God He enquires about this, and feems to complain, that when a Nebucladnez,z,er did .Him any fervice, _yet he fhould be all this while without his wages ; therefore ( faithGod) Behold ! Iwillgive the Land ofEgypt unto him, he (hall take a#oil and aprey, and thatPall be his wages ; He will givehimwages for what he cloth. Many wicked men God cloth make ufe of in divers fervices, and much refre. thing and good, His Churches Ihall have from them; the Lord c4ufcs the very Earth to help the woman; earthly men to be of ufe to the Church, and Cod will not be be- holding to them fcir their work ; A thorn may ferve to flop a gap, though it be but a thorn bufh, and if ir ferve to ff...p a gap, and be of any ufe, it hath that benefit by ir, all that while it is kip from the fire, whereas were it not of ufe, it might prefently be brought to the fire. An ar- gument by the way, to provoke all men to be of as much nie to the Church of God as pofflbly they can, it may be E e that.