that have their Portion in this life. 307 is not mach excellencyandgood in them, God therefore will caft them pron.ifcuoufly up and down in the world, becaufe he looks upon there at worthlefs things ; God cloth not fomuch regard whether men be prepared togive him the glory of them, yea or no, they (hall have themhow- ever, He is conFent to venture them : Indeed when God comes untoHis choice Mercies in Chri i, therehe looks to haveglory from chern, and hedoll never give them to any, but firff he prepares them, that they may give him the glo- ry of thofe mercies : but it isotherwife with others ; As fuppofe you fee a man gathering of Grabs, although Swine: be under the Tore, he cares not much todrive them away, they are but Crab, let them have them but ifhe were ga- 'hering any choice and preciont fruit, if any Swine fhould 'come under, he drives them away. As for outward things Grabs, the Lord fuffers the Swine oldie world, tocome grunting, and take them up; but when he comes to his choiceMercies in his Ghri:i, there he makesa ditfn&ion, Oh ! that is precious fruit ! ABlack fetich that is working upon Iron, though a great many Cinders, and little bits of iron fly up and down,he regards them not; but a Gold- (aside that is working upon Gold, he preferves every ray, and every duff of Gold : and a Lapidarie that is working . upon precious Stones,every ii tiebit he will be lure to pre- ferve : a Carpenter that is only hewing of Tie -her, he re- gards it not much ifChips fly up and down ; but it is not fo with a Lapidary. So chefs outward things are but as the. Chips and Cinders, and.fucb kind of things as thofe are,, and therefore God even gives a Portion to wicked men out of them. Sixthly. Gad knows that He bath tirne enough to nsanifefl Hid aflice upon them hereafter, He hac) an Eternity here- after, for the Declaration of His Jufiice; and therefore (faith God) Let them have fomewhat for a while. As you.. know it is natural in all,when they fee a man going to ex. ccution, that is not like to live above an hour or two, eve- ry one isready to pity him, and to be anyway çficious to Ee z her,