3108 The Mifes^y of thofe Men him, 010! ( faith every one ) the man (!tall not have com- fort long, we cannot do much for him, he (hall have pain enough ere long, and misery enough ere long, and fo eve- ' ry one pities him. It is obfervable, let a man go to execu- tion forwickednefs, and then he is pitied by ail ; but ifa man (hould fufffrfor godlinrfa,thenperhaps they will not be fofull fo pity towards him. As 1 remember in the botrk of Martyrs, there is a tory of Mr Mo Frith, a learnedlgod- ly Warier; and Andrew Limit that were Martyrs, and were to (offer for their confcience, and the Story tells us, that one Dr. Cook, a Parfon in London, he openly admo- nifhes the people, that they should pray for them no more than they would do for a Dog ; that Charity of theirs that they talked fomuch of, is fuch towards them that suffer out ofconfcience ; and as amongti Papitis fo amongti ungodly men, let a man Puffer out of cofhcience, they will rather rail at him, and when he is in his sufferings, they will rather give him gall and vinegar to drink, ( as they once did Chrift upon the Crofs ) though in otherfuf- ferings they pity men. .Severttbly, By this that God gives to the wicked, the Lord (hews, what great things he bath refervedfor his own Chil- dren 3 what a portton there is for them ; Surely lithe dogs have fo much, the Father keeps a good house; if the hang- byes may have Inch doles, certainly there is good provi- lion for the Children within : As by theafíl &ions of the Saints, God Both declare to wicked men, and would have them draw fuch an argument from it,that there are fearful thitgs,tbatt are like to beta! them ; Ifjudgment begin as the. Houle of God, wherefhall the wicked and ungodly appear ? So. by the prolperity that wicked men have in this world, Qod loth declare to his Children,and he would have them argue from thence, what thenbath he referved for his be- loved Oneia for hisSaints, for. his Children, tha.t.are fo dear unto. him? E.ghthly. God fetches a great deal of Glory from hence, e fetches about His own ends very much, from the por- tiota.