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that have their Portion in this life. 309 tion that wickedmen have ; ás fometimes He Both it, that they might fineable and harden their hearts, and break . their necks at ir, and to ripen their fins ; hence He lets them go on a long tune, and have their wills; in lfaó 33, t. Yo to thee whoffoilett, andwert not piled, anddealt treat e%ottfly, aid wets not dealt treaeheroufly withal; when thornfhalt ceafe toPoil, thouPals beBoiled; lrle let thee go on, thou fhalt fpoil as much as thou wilt, and when thou had done fpoi- ling, thou tilde be fpoiled. And fometimes Odddoth ir, to fetch about this end, Namely, tochallife His own peo -. ple, with the profperityofthe wicked : And as an Ancient writer Swath this Story of one that r he faith )by anextraor, dinary way,from being a Monk was advanced into an Epi- fcopal Seat, and being a lewd wicked man, he began to be proudofthis his Advancement, and beingproud, he heard these words in the tlorv, Ab angelo audivit, Cur fuperbus infilia, non es creator Epifcopus;quia in dignas, fedquia Civi- tas hec digna»tit tali Epifcopi; ir was a wicked place, and this was theanfwer; Why art thou fo proud Oh unhap- py man,for thou art not advanced becaufe thou arc wor- thyof this advancement, but because this City is fo ill; it h worthy of (itch a Prelate ro be over it : In way ofjudg- ment to that place God advanced fuch a man : And fo ma- ny are advanced that they may be heavy judgments unto. others ; God gives them fuch a portion, not out of His love to them ( though they are ready togather the Argu- ment ) but out of His difplesfure unto others: And then He gives a plentiful portion ro many, to teach us all to do goodintoour enemies, noconly humanitati (as they fay ) but leamini, not only to human nature, but tomen, romen that are wicked, forme good muti bedoneunto them. IVirithly. The Lord would Phewhereby, that He would have no argument of loveor hatred .tst.be drawn from theft outward things; an& alto becaufe .I-le' \would Tnoc have them toexpe& anymore; It may be many men that are une . godly, profpering in his world, they gather this argu- ment, That thereforeGod loves them, and intends mercy to