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that have their Portion in this life. 3 I sally confent in this, that is is meant of Antiochus Fpipbes- atius, that was a mighty great Prince, fach a Prince as when the Samaritans did write to him, they wrir, Antiocbo enaginr de®, to Antiocbau the great god; and hit very name (hews him to be a great one ; Antiochur E.tiphanius, is as much as Antiocbzzr the dlluf1riotse, and the FArnouc : and yet when the Holy Ghott (peaks of him, it is Autioebur a vile perfon : they are vile in the eyes ofGod. If therebe any in a family that you carenor much for, you makeno great provifion for them, Doth God take carefor Oxen ? Somwhat they have, but little; Doth God takecare for wickedand ung.)dly ones ? 3. Here is their portion, it is confin'd to ibis life; Why fo .? Becaufe they chufe it themfclves; and in that they have no wrong , make choice of this Portion thetnfelves ; 11Í'((e2, ( (peaking to the people) faith he, I fes beforeyou life anddeath : So do the Ministers of God iäs prea- ching to you, they fet before yon Life and Death : What do you chufe ? Now you chufe the way that goes out of life, and into death ; yots have but your choice; you chufe Vanity tobe your portion, God doth you nowrong to give you Vanity : Now you that will indent with God for your peny, you connot take it ill, if when the end of the day comes, God puts you off with your pony; you know thofe in the Vineyard, that agreed for their peny, they began to murmur indeed, when they came to receive their wages ; but faith the Matter oftheVinyard, Did you not agree with me fo ? Sn you agree with God, all you intend in Gods fervice, is, that you may have Tome prefent comfort in this world, you dare not trust God for the fu- ture ; and here is that that God will fbcwHis infinit dit- pleafure again(( the fin of di ruff by, that when the Lord propounds now in this day of Grace, fach glorious and blcffed things to the children of men, and ( for ought you know ) any of you may have your portion in them, as well as others, andyet you dare not truft God for thofe gracious things; you think rather with your (elves, lea ms