3!`).5 The N.fifry' of Vlore' Afen J me have fcimevehat now, fornewhat forthe proirent, fonle prefent pey the reward that you telk of, Oriel.; know not whether they be irnaginetior.. eta', or no ; :-herefore you mean ( it feetne ) to feeve G.4fLr your Fr&nt pay, and prtfent pay you íhIL have, and no more. 'acre ?re (.0 511"7 servants that are your cley. fervent?, they feria you .9 they expe& their pay at night, and perhaps you keive then, their two fbillinge a nighr, and there is an end : but there are other leivnts now rha-,- will ferve you in expoar ion of frame reverfiorn, and expeftations of honor, efpecial.ly when they arve Noblernen,and Princes, though they have no preíenr pay e'.ven them at night, yet EN:Y goon cheerfully in their fetvice, they expe& form great Revertionm, 'as Leas and prefitments, they may have afterwatds, and now though they have not their two fhillingeaday as the others have,yet when the other betels them, they are made rich men, they and their pofferities : So now, he poor man that bath his pay every dey, when a Leale and preferment fals,if he illoald come in for his part, No, he may be anfwer'd, you had your pay every day ; herewas one was content to relie and croft uponme, and had no pay, and hedid truff upon me, and now he comes to be preferd : This is the dire& difference between the men of the world and Gods Saints ; the menof the world will do nothing without prcfent pay, that which is jail before them, they mua needs have, their hearts are upon it ; but the Saintsthey hear what ableffed thing God huh revealed in his Word, what-a bleffed Covenant of Grace there is, what rich Prornifes of glorious things to come; now they beleeve God, and truit in God for thefe, and they fay, Lord, let use have my Portion in the life to come, and whatever thou doeft with me here, I care not : As it was the fpeech ofelatflin, Lord, here burn, here cut ; but (pare hereafter : I am content Lord, to be burnt, to be cut, to endure any thing in the world, any fufferings in the world for thee, only hereafter I look for fomewhat elfe and lie wait for hereafter You will not wait for hereafter