that have theirPortion in this life. 313 hereafter, but you mull have it for the prefent, and that is the reafon, you are put off here : Oh it is a ferious thing I (peals of to you, many a foul will wring its hands, and curie it felf eternally, that it was not content to troll God for hereafter , but would have prefent pay. You that are great Merchants, if you buy a thing that is but a trifle, you pull out yourpurfe, and give the mony down prefently ; bur ftrppofe you go to the ExLhange, andbar- gain for t0000l there, you may give a tittle down now, btu. the great pay mina come upon pay dales afterwards; it is not eupe&ed it ('Would be: prefently done : So there are+ forne men in the world, will trade with God, but they trade with God for pedlipg things, for their Credit, and applaufe, and for their prefermennts and dates, God gives down the pay prefently, you [hail have it, there is your 2d prefently, it it done : but now thëre are other of Gods Saint, that trade with God for great things, for immor- tali.y and glory, and a Kingdom, and a Crownof eternal life; now they expe& not to have it done ptctenty, they are conent to (lay : Oh there are the beft Trader?, the belt Merchants that will trade with God for great things, and be content to flay; you will chufe that you have here for the prefent, and therefore you have your portion. Fsurt',ly, There things that are here, they are the only futable things to your hearts, and what will you dowith any more hereafter ? there things do exceedingly pleafe you, and give you content as agreeable to you, and the things that are to come, are difagreeable ; what would men do that are carnal and wlckcd now ? what would they do in Heaven ? Certainly if you hate Gods Saints now, that have but a littleGrace for their Grace fake, you would hate them infinitly more afterwards, when they are perfc& in Grace, when they titan be pent&, and then when all your common gifts (hall be taken away ; for fo it (hall be. Now the things ofGod are unfutable toyou, though you have now many common gifts, and you now abhor the Grace of God, though it be imperfe&, what F f titen3, ..PM,-,..-__..