yy `I iJe TqCt' of thL `1drt the when all common gifts (hall be taken from you, and Gracemade pole& ? how unfatablewill it be then to you ? therefore expet nothing hereafter. Fifthly, You abuse your port on you have now what you do with more ? Who will trua you with the true fiches.? You abate that you have. Indeed men of the ,eorld that are wicked, and very rich, are prefently in places of honor and power ; Chia ! what a deal of mifchiel they do in the world ? what dreadful evils are they unto the earth ? such men, how do they abufe their portions? Why now,as it i with the Tooth,in a mane head, a Tooth indeed is preferid, to have an eardnern place in the Head, but when theTooth comes to be rott nand put us topain, what du we bur pull it out, and throw it away ? So when God prefers men to eminent pl ices, w. ieen through their wickedneff they grow raven, and fo doa greet deal of hurt, theLord plucks theta our in His anger, and throws theta away, they alenfe their portion, and do a great deal of hurt, and therefore mutt; expe&c no more. But above all, the ,argument is, Sixthly, Beceufe they have no intereft in Jefus Chrifi; The rich Treafures of the infinite grace of God, they are let out in Jefus Chrift ; God heth divers Conduit-pipes(aa I may fo fay) ofHis Grace, to let out unto His Creatures; there are Come leflrer Conduit - pipes, and thole Conduit - pipes, may be open'd through the general bounty ofGod ; but now the Lord bath the great Current of His eternal mercies, for Comae that Hedoth intend eternal good unto, and this great Current of His it is (lop't by juflice, the infi- nite jufliceof God doth flop this great Current,Co as it can- not beopen'd to have any drop rfthemercy let out, until Divine Juiiice comes to be fa&fied ; In themean time the other (mailer pipes, they run, thegeneral bountyofGod; Now then, this is the very work of Jefus Chrift, Chrift the Second Perlon in Trinity, and it is thevery myftery of the Gated ; The Second Perfon in the Trinity, fees that the childrenofmen, are capable of eternal happinefs, eternal 81 vrB,