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that have theirPortion in this life. 315 glory, and that there are glorious treafures with God , to be communicated to the children of men; but through mans tin, this great Current is (}op't ; in the mean time Gods general bounty lets out a great many outward corn- forts; Chrift therefore out of pity to mankind, that man- kind may not be put off with there general outward com- forts, He comes and latisfies Gods infinite juilice, that He might open the Current, the fluke of His fE ite Creatures, ndternal Grace to others: Now happy who have intereii in the Lord Chrill; for chia is His work, to fathfi4- the Jutiice of the Father, that fo the great pipe may be opeeled, and then flows in all Gracc,infinit, eternal Grace, when that comesonce to be opened : No mervail though we hear of fach glorious things, that the Saints of God have in the life to come, no mervail, for Chrift Both come and open the great fluice of Gods infinite Grace and Mercie to them; as for the men os general bounty through hut a little of the driziing of G ds Come crannies, but the Floudgatea of Gods grace are ope- ned in Chriti; thereforecil Divine Justice be fatisfied, there can be no further good for a Creature here, but the fruits ofGods general bounty,& patienCe ' There are Come Crea- tures whom the Lord hath left to the Condeof jufiice,they fhall have what Gods earn, in deal gs h fome Creatures and I- rence between thers,(I fay) fome there are that (hall have what they earn, and no more : others there are whom God od t intends s- ternal Heart upon, and whether they earn or no, mercies unto them, and will bring them unto eter- nal merchs Here's the differenceof the Covenant of works and theCovenant of Grace; and therefore the one is left toHimfelf, and the other,Chritl the Head of the Covenant comes to undertake for him, that that he cannot do : and here is the very Cut between the condition of fome men,8z other men ; that tome have their portion in this world,and others have another higher portion in the world to come 5 Thofe have no intereft in CFrif , he(e have. Seventhly,: