The MMfery of thole Men Seventhly, They are no Sons, no Children, and there- fore they molt not expe& childtens portions; As many of you rich men, when you die, you will leave your fcrvants Nine Legacie, perhaps you'l give every fervent in the houfe five pounds, or fo ; but when you corne to your children, to write in your Will, what fuch a Son, tucñ a Dangh- ter limit have, that is another manner of bufinefs than 4. or 5.1. great things you leave to them : Now the truth is, the world may be divided between Children and Servants, for though the truth is, all men areat defiance with God, yet God snakes theca fervents one way or other ; and there is forne littleLegacy that fervants fhall have, but they-muft not expo& the Chiidrens portion ; therefore they have it here, but muft not have it hereafter. InEzell. 46. 16 Thus faith the Lord, Ifshe Prince give a gift unto any ofhit"fons, the inheritance hall be his funs; but if to hisferv.znts, then it fhall be but till Jubile. This was Gods Law, that ifa Princegave a gift to his fon, the fon {horrid inherit it for ever, but if he give it but to a fervant, it fhould continue with him but for a while. So here is thedifferenceof Goda adminiftra- tionof all His gifts, He gives force to fervants, and there (hall continue bnt'for a while,within a little while all wil be called for again ; all the good,and all the comfort thou bail, God will cal for it all again : but tiler which he gives toHis Sons, to His Children, they (hell have mercy for e- ver, though not to enjoy it in the fame way, they fhall en- joy the fame good and comfort Eternally. And then fur- ther: Eighthly, The portion that the world bath here, (you heard before) it comes fromGods patience; now there will be an end of the manifefration of the glory of patience in this world, as thus : As there are forne graces of the Spirit of God in the Saints, that (hall have an end in regard of their exercife here in thisworld,f4 there are forme attributes of God, that (hall have an end in regard of the man_''fla- cion of them in that way that GodBoth now tnanifefl r hem here in this world, and that iw, the patience ofGod to- wards