that have their Portion in this life. wards ungodly one: ; Now if they hold all upon patience, when the time of theglory ofthat in this world fhall come to be at an end, then all their good is at an end. Fur- ther : Ninthly, Ungodlymen,they !dal have to dealewith God immediately in the world to cone, (1 befeech you obferve but this anfwer,l'le hatten; ) they mutt have to deal imme- dietly with God in the world co come ; Now they have to deal withGod through Creatures, and while they have to deal with God through Creatures, they may get a great deal, and may make fhift for much, but when they (hall come to deal with God immediatly, then it will be other- wife with them : As for example, There area great many hang -bies, at great mens boufes, perhaps when they come to have to deal with the fervants, they get tome bits and fcraps,andmany things from the fervents,but ifthey know they can have nothing, but from the very hand of the Knight, or Lord of the hoofs himfelf, then they will ex- pell nogreat matter. So wicked men of Ellis world, they are as hang-bier, that all that they have arebut as fcraps from the lervants, they have to deal only with creatures, they look no further; but hereafter things (hall be Ceded another way, and all things (hall be weighed by God Himfelf, in aballance of lattice, and ditlributed by the hands of God Himfelf immediately , and now things will be carried after another manner, the Lord Himfelf will come to difpofe of things. It was a fpeech of a Ger- man Divine, though he were a good man, ani lived very innocently, when he lay upon his fick bed, and appre- hended Death, he was in great terrors of fpirit, mightily troubled, and forne ofhis friends came tohim, and asked him, W by (hould you be fo troubled, that have lived to good a life, as you have done ? ThLwas hisanlwer, The Judgments of God areone, and the judgments of men arc another, I am now todeal with God ; it is true, I lived thusbefore Men, and Men gave their Verdi& of me, as good, and thought I was in a good condition but, O I am 317, INS= ,,..,.__