that have their Portion in this life. things, and focannot (hilt as other men can ; They that have the fpirit of the world, and have their portion in the' world, they can fhift ; but we have not received the fpirit of theworld. You know a Swine though it goes abroad all day wandring up and down, it knows the way to the troughat night; but a Sheep if it go a wandring a little way out of his place, a Sheep doth not know how to come back again, but wanders up and down till it be even loll, and is as a loll (peep when it is once wandring upand down; but Swine are not fo. So ungodly men, though they go up and down wandring, they knowhow tocome to their trough at night, they have better skil in the world, they are more artificial in the things of the world, they have better underliandnag (as the Scripture (peaks,) The cbildren of this worldare srifir in their generation, than the cbil- dren of light: Why is it ? Their Portion is in this world. That's the fiat Corrallarie. 2. Corr. Here we lee the Reafon,W by thereare fo many great ones in the world that regard Religion fo little as they do, and the wales of God, and the Church ofGod ; why'ris not their portion thofc things that concern ano then life, isnot any part of their portion ; they mind what it is that concerns theprefent life, becaufe this is their por- tion. Whenmany come into places of dignity and power, What are their thoughts ? Now they think of gratifying their friends, now they think of refpe& and honor that they (hall have abroad- in the world, and be accounted Comebody, now they think of revenging al their wrongs, ofmaking upof all their broken titles &c. This bath been heretofore (I fuppofe very ordinary) in men advanced a- mong(( you ; there are all their thoughts: as for doing fervice for God, and for His Church, and vindicating the Truthof God,and Honorof God, that is fcarce in all their thoughts, for they do not lookupon that as part of their Portion ; Here is the reafon why fo many Magidrates are like to Galio, in AU, 18. 17. Carving for none of thofe 319