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320 The Mifery of thole Men things; they were to him but matters of words and yet they were about the great fundamental Points of Religi- on, Whether Chrift were the trot MALT, and whether flewere God, or no ; but to Gallio ehefe things were butt matter of worde : And fo the great things of God,and Re. lig!on, to carnal hearts, they are things that are ofno greet confequence at all ; yea when as Soflhencs that was the Ruler of the Synagogue for countenancing of Paul,had the rude mulriude of the City, rife up in a rude manner to apprehend him, and to lay violent betide upon hints, Galio cared for none ofthere things; but fo tar he did not go, Gallio went not to air up a rude multitude to lay vio- lent hands upon a Ruler of a Synagogue, ore City, but he cared for none of chore thint (faith the text :) What did hecare for reaifying any thing that was amife inReligion? Oh let us °(fey they that have their port ion here) what e- ver becomes ofthing!!, let us make peace (lay they) that we may go un and be gniet in our houfes;& enj.3y that we have quietly, and practbly, and they look no further : Their portion h here, and as for Truth, how do they reject it, & contemn it ! It is a fpeech (as it credibly reported) hat come even from a Citizen here, in curling oft he Truth fo; (as had he lived among the Jews he would certainly have been Honed todeath) Let us have Peace, and a Pox of Truth. (I fay) fuch a fpeech as this among the Jews would have caufed him to have been foned to death, being fuch hor- rible blafphemy. But how many are ready to fay with Pi- lat, in the 18. of john, 38. when as Chrift was before Pilat, and talked to Pilat of Truth, Truth (faith Pilat) What is Truth ? You (hall obferve it at the38. ver. What is Truth ? (SaithPilat) as ifPilat fhould have Paid, What a firange man is this, the man is indanger of his life, and he talks of Truth, when he is indanger of his life, What is Truth ? (faith Pilat) & turns it backupon him prefently. Juf thus are the hearts of many, What fhould we look at Truth, or at any thing now, but topreferve our lives, andelates, and outward comforts in the world? What is Truth They