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that have their Portion in thr's life. They are a company of mad - brain'd fellows, that are fa- &ious, and (editious, they talk of Truth, and know not what they fay, Come, let us havepeace, though it be up- on any terms : Who is there in this place that defines not Peace ? The Lord knouts it is thedelires ofchafe that are accufed mod for want of delires in this thing ; yea fo as we dare challenge any of you with this Challenge : Thofc who have been molt at the Throne of Grace begging unto God for peace for England, let them carry the day ; thole that haveput forth moll prayra for Peace,before theThrone of Grace, we are willing they full have theday. We reads that amongfti al the Tribes that came up in a war like way, tohelp the people of God againfl oppreffion, in the a. of judges, tS. and fo in that Cheieter, that ofall Nepbtali was the only Tribe that joyned wthZcbulkn,that jeoparded their lives in the Cauteof God, that would take up Arms to de- fend therhfelves and the people agaiuft oppreflion ; Sure- ly chele two Tribes, by theothers that would not venture themfelves, were at that time accounted very fa&ious, and very feditious ; What they ! only Zebulunand Naphtali ; Yet it is obfervable, though there were none joyned with Zebulunbut only Naphtali, there is noTribe of which it is fo much fpoken, tobe a Tribe, full ofCourrefie; and Cis i- lity, of a peacable and quiet dífpofition, es Naphtali was; you (hall find it, if you read: in the 49. of Genefis, 2 t. and afterwards in another text, there are thefetwo things Paid of Naphtali, only thefe two firtl, That he ryas a Binde let loot, andgive goodly words. But they may be but words of Complement, not reality ; Nay, (when Mofes comes with the bleffing, you f11211 find thefe two pieces, one in Genefis and theother in Dessteronomj,) whenMofes comes with the bleffing again upon Naphtali : Naphtalifaled erithfaivour, and with thebiding ofthe Lord. What is themeaning ? Naph- tali was a Tribe that had molt courtefieand civility of all ; compat'd to a gohd.ly Hinde, of a quiet di'fpoirion, and one that gave courteous language to all & not meer words but reality ; it wat such a one that was fiill'd with favour, Gg