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322 The Mfery of thofe Iden that had she favour of God, and the favour of Men ; he had facha courteous carriage, and hehad theblefiìng of God upon Meal ; and yet thi> Naphtali, was the Tribe that would jeobard their lives, and take up Arms in defence of the people ofGod, againft opprcilion in thofe timer, above all. And PFrinebas (ye know) was fo zealous, and would malts cafe ofthe fword, fo as he did ; yet in the 25. ofNurrn. 12, I 3. God faith there, He would mare a Covenant ofPeace with him. Beloved l Phinehar, that is fuch a fiery hot man, ya aCovenant of peace mull be made with him, by God Himfelf; for he did indeed,by that way procure peace to ifrael ; for fo the Text faith there in that place of XVum. That becaufe Phinehas row fo zealaist, it war, that Imight not eonfurne them in myjealouJe: Now it's obfervable,theword in the Original is, Becaufe he was zealous, therefore it was, that I might not confume them in my Zeal. Its tranflatcd in your books; Becaufe he was thuszealous, that I might.not confume them inmy jealoufe; the words are different in theEnglifh; but in the Hebrew they are the fame : and fo be turn'd thus, Becaufe he was fo zealous, it was, that I might nor confume them in my Zeal ; as if he fhould have faid,If there hadnot been force among them that had been zealoue,(and as they account fiery) I would havebeen zea- lous my Self, and fiery my Self, and confumed them, and it was wel they had fuch amongdl them; andoneday thofe that cry out of them, may come to fee caufe to biefs God for them ; that would not have the world put off, and gul'd with the fair name of peace; we kno,v the Devil hath mademuch ufe of it in former times, and would fain make nfe of it now ; As if thofe that defired Truth mof}, werenot grearef friends unto pace ; God forbid, bat it Mould be fo : Though it's true, we thinknot, wehave our portionhere, and therefore wewould not have peace upon any terms ; indeed we confefs our portion lies higher, and that whereinour portion doth confift wewouldhave upon any terms ; and therefore Saint Paul faith in Philppianf, 3. If by any me.ans, l neat' attain lathe ßefierreçlion ofthedead; If by