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that have their Portion in this life. by any rneanf, upon any terms, that Imay havepeace at the great Pa whatfoever I do endure : fo fay we forour portion; and you fay, Let us have peace upon any terms ; Why ? becaufe your portion inhere: We would beglad that all our Moun- tains, wereMountains of Oliver, but we would be loth to have them Mountains of Corruption : In 2 Kings, 23. i. You ruade i .ere of a l'Íountain of corruption, Of Monso nf(a- en , Of offence; fo it is in the old Latin; Now what was that fame Mountain of Corruption ? if we compare one Scripture with another, we nail find it was noother, but Mount Ol vet, Mount Olivet was made a Mountain of cor- ruption : In i King. 11. 7. The Solemn built Idolatrous Temples, for the honour of the gods of his Queen, thofe gods that his Queen did worfhip, Solomon built Temples for to gratifie her, and it was upon the Mount before Jerta- (alem,which was the Mount of Olives, that was the Mount. Now you know the Mount Olivet was a Mount that had his name from Olives that did grow there, and were Em- blems of peace; but yet the Mount Olivet may be made a Mount of Corruption s we would be glad that we might live upon Mount Olivet all our daies, but are loth chia Mount Olivet fhcuid be made a Mount of Corruption. Give me leave but in a fewwords, yet to put fore Confide - rations to you, and if I ¡peak not reafon in them, reje& them. Firfi, Becaufe that you are fo greedy of Comforts in this world, you would fain have peace; be wife even for your own portion ; you would have peace, but I hope a Cafe peace, and that is all we dodelire : If the peace be not fafe,Oh the blood that may follow after. We reads in the 27. of the Acts, 13. that there was indeed a Calm, and the SouthwiYfd did blow foftly, for a while, warm wind and very foftly, but prefently follows, not long after it sip- pears that there did arife a Tempeíluous wind called Furo- c'don ; Eurocydon did arife prefently after : Takewe heed (my brethren) that we be not deluded with the foftly South wind; Take heed dthat there be not anEuroc1jdn g that 323