sk- 324 The Mifary of thofé Men that blows pîefently after; were we Pure to be delivered from that fame Eterocydon, we fhould be glad of continu- ance of fofa blowings of the South wind : Can you think ofa Cafe peace that live tinder any ArbitraryGovernments? No (that you'l fay) and therefore we account our condi- don ill now, for we have Arbitrary Governments atnongít us now, And who are they ? Obi. Do not the Parli meat themflvea Govern in that bindof way ? Anf. Give me leave in a word to anfwer this : Confider ofthe difference between that Arbitrary Government the Parliament complains of; and what now you feci. Anf. e. That was then, when the Kingdom was in a fatted way, and then when there was no contrary Arbitra- ry power to oppofe ir, get then it went on, and furely then ic didbut make way for worfe Arbitrary government; but now it is in a way, when the Kingdom is unfeticd, and in a way,where there is a nec.(íity of folic help beyond theordinary coterie of Law, becaufe of a contrary Arbitra- ry Power, that is oppof'd: And is it poifible for any man, that hach any wifdocn, or underiianding in his head, that cannot fee the differencebetween theta two ? But I'le (hew you a greater difference than this. "Inf. 2. That which was before, thole that did fo Go- vern fuffer'd nothing in it themicives, but gained all ; now . chore that are accufed for the prefent, (if it be Arbitrary,) they Puffer thetnfelves as much as we do, and their poite- city Both fuffer as much as we do ; and therefore the thing is fardifferent fromwhat wasbefore. And yet further, if you would not be carried away with words, but judge righteoustadgment, Confider this : Anf. 3. Can you . think that if the Adverfarie fhould reevail, you (hateld be only at the difpofe of the King ? Do you not think that chofethat are with him, and give inch lirength and affiance for the prefent, that you mull lie at their many roo, in great part ; and will that be fate for y au ? 1 put it to every main confciencs, whether he can think