that have thcit; Portion-in this life. think that itic faferforChurch, or Common-wealth to be governed by theKing, with thole that arenow about him, and an Army of Papills, than tobe governed by the King, with His TwoHoí.rfàs of Parliament ? Vfaich is the fafett way in the canfcienceA of any men living. Acid yet fur- ther thin this , Confider (if you have your eyes in your- heads) Arsfìv. 4. That perhaps what you aim at as your End, your Adverfaties may aim at but as their l'-teant; and what will become of y c:u then ? If that that you would have as an End, they (hall 104 at, bw as a Medians Con- fider what Confequenc s rna': comic of it. And yet la(tly Anfcv. 5. You thAt dod .f re to'snisch Peace, to preferve your own Portions here'; Would you nor willingly have fuck Peace, al t role that have appeaeed`for you in Hooks of Parlia.ment,in Came, in the Mircifiry,that: avebeen math alive, be preferved too ? Art you fci del rous of ,ir, as to be willing to leave them to the fury and -rage of their Ad- verïaries ' Were not this oneof the hotirr:îbleil wickodneffes that a er were committed in a Kingdc :;n ? If they from de- fire to fave their ownparticular eftatez, hood betray thole_i that have been fait Slid to dims,. 'in tuck place of Trutt? It was once a fpeech of Dernoflhenes to one that.Wksuld have pace, he affirms, that it ïa a- vain and,prepolie ofas- thing, to defire peace with the 90A, upon tbL condi. ion, That the Keepersóf thejlockmay but be betraied, axd taken .i ay. The fair name of Peace will new foprevail cv > ;h a wife man, when this (hall come tobe the condition of it. 'The good people in Cbryfofloms rime, (tiotvevcr.ybu ;may thin`C of chafe that have moll appear'd foc you.* ventured them- felves ) they Thought it fuck a thing, tohave hue the mouth ofore. Chrypfloen ifopt. And alfo the:, profeffid, That if the Sun ihspa'd tok back, or bring tyacit, or. keepin his Rayes , it w.-re more tollerable, t,i n ((tale the much of John (hosts(d he riopt ; they had 1.1cli an high efieent ofa fairkhful Miniiter *.n chofe ants. And therefore if You would be faithful to God, and to the isl,gdom,. and to thole.: 325