44 26 The Mifery of thofe Men thofe that have appear'd for you, look after fuch peace, . as wherein you and they may be Cafe; God knows they would have been willing to have beenas (lent as you ; but fuppofe all the Minifter8 in the Kingdom, and men that had ability toappear publickly, had all been filent, fo as thebutinefs laad been wholly betraicd,and at length an Ar- my of Papias had rifen, when you had had no help to have refitted them, Would you not havecried out ofMi- nifters ? would you not have cried out of Magiftrates? would you not have cried out of Parliament-Men ? If they Have ventured thetnfelves t%be faithful for you, know you can have no peace, except they have it ; and it were an un- worthy thing, tothink of your fafety without theirs like- wife. Gbjett. But you will fay, We would not have our Eflate' and Peace thug, ad. yo4eak , upon any terms, without any regard to Religion; we have our portion in Religion, as well as you, and we haveour Consciences tolso&after, as well asyou , and Godforbid it foculd be otherwife, but that Religion fhould proffer too with our Peace; but we would not have Set!s and Sec`laries to bemaintained in the Kingdom ; let as have Truth, and Religion; but away with them. Anf. i. Do you underfiand what they are you fpeak of?' Do you know wherein you and they differ ? You cry out of them,as if they wereofanother Religion, whereas when it comes to be (can'd the difference between you and them will not be fogreat. But further, I put this toyou : Anf. 2. Do you (pend as much breath in praying for there kind of men, as youdo in railing upon them ? then fomewhat may be Paid. Anf. 3. It is a vain thing to think,that true Religion can be maintain'd, and have the liberty of it, without force difference of Opinion amongft us : Indeed the Turks have as much peace in their Religion, as any Religion bath in all the world ; and there is as little difference ofOpinions amongf theTurks as there is in anyReligion whatfocver;