thathave their Portion in this life. 327 but well may that Coat have no feam, that bath no fhape; if the Truth of Religion comes to appear , certainly it is impof iiblebut many differences in opinon mufl come, and it is a aloft intollerable prideof heart, and tyranny in any whatfoev, r, to thinkby violent meansco force all to be of the fameopinion that they are of, in matters that are not of the Foutsdation, and that may fland with the Peaceof aComtnon- wealth wo; You take upon you in that snore thanChriftdoth, more than the Apostles ever did. Objeei. But You will fay, If men be in an Error why fhould they not be forced ? $hall every man be left tohis O- pinion, to du what he will ? Anfnv. No, I plead not for that neither : Therfore Iex-- cept all Opinions, r. Againft the Foundation of Religi. on : 2. MI thole Opinions that are against the Fottnda- tion of Civil Governmeut. Take thefe Two afide, and then for other Opinions that are of-a lower inferior nature (I fay) thereyou take roo much &pon you, whofoever you: are, if you fbould think to force men tobe of she fame O- pinion as you are ; and there is no Inch way to make dif turbance in Churches or Common-.vealths, as to force men to beof the fame Opinion,in things that are of an inferior. nature. Objet. But you will fay, If it be an Error, they muff not he left to live in it. Anfnv. Nay, flay there; A man may be in anError, . and yet you have nothing to do tooffer violence onto him to bring him out of his Error; you r ay ffek :o convince. him as much as you can, but tooffer violence, youunder- take more than God hash givr..n you Cr mmiffi,m todos whatever you are; and I girt,, this Scrip(4 xe. for h, that is . deer, in Romans, 14. 2. One beleevetb hanky eat std things; another eateth herbs. Let not him that eaten?, deiife.birytthat eateth not; and let him :hat eateth not, notjadgä him that eateth And fohe tels n,Jrt,g, art thou that jud; e;li another ? . Who arc thou that jtadgefts I ntL t JJ ii .oas Mild not be true ;. One man dovhea herbs she As a elan wakes coniciencet of