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The Mifery of thole Men ofit, and cannot do it ; Certainly, oneof chef. wat..a fin at that time; one of themwas a fin, to eat herbs, andehat be might eat noPeth, for God never commanded thena,that they thouldeat no fleth; to make confcience to eat no flefte, was a fin, but yet though one were a fìn,yet they that were' in the right, rmuft not by violence force ehofe chat were in the wrong, co their opinion, but they muff leave them to God ; I fay, inmatters of fuck cori cquence as the c, it is a point of Antdchriftian tyranny, and pride, and notorious pride in men, that have taken fo muchupon them, as to force=all to be, of the fame opir:ion : this is no the way errs tainly for true peace. But thus much : for ;h; fecor> rail/ark. The Third follows. " ca 3. Corr. If menhave their portion in this world, here is the R.eafon that there is inch a ftir in the world by men to maintain this their Portion ; what a deal of Wards there? what rending and tearing is there, that they might main- tain their Hates ? Efpecially if forme men have a higher Portion in the world than others, Ohwhat a deal of (tit it there to maintain it. I remember Henry the fourth, writes to Pope Gregoryand tels him, that by reafon of an Emula- tion therewas about the Fopedorn,one being chofen in Rome, and the other in another place,that there were 23caoo.rnen loft their lives out of that Emulation ; mverly about two men, twoPopes,it coil thebloods oftwohundred & thirty thoufand men. O what a fair is there in the world to fatisfie thewits of a few men in the world ? Certainly one day the world will be wifer, and will underftand that they are. Men, and not Dogs, that they werenot made to be fubje& to the humours and the lulls ofmen , and that tto man bath now any further power over hirn,but what theyhave by an agreement from therm one way or other, either im- plicit, or explicit, oneway or other, it is by their agree. ment, that any man bath any power over them, and can exercife any; The world (I fay) erelong I hope will be wife enough to undcrftand this, and therefore will not fo