that have their Portion in this life. 329 fo facrifice their lives for the fatisfying of the wills of a few men in the world, they fhall not make fuch a fir in the world as heretofore they have done ; Indeed men make a great fir now to maintain their portion, for the con- tention is not,de finibus,but de hareditate, not about matter: of bounds and limits,(as he fetid) but it is about the inheri- tance it Pelf ; it is about their portion ; it is their God ; And doyen fay, What ails me, when you bave taken away my gods ? Here is, the ground ofall the flies and Combuilions in the world, becaufe carnal hearts look upon what they enjoy as their portion; But how comes it thus topats, that men fhould be fo greedy of this their portion ? Is it fuch an excellent portion that they are fo greedy of it ? Is is worth fo much,that they contend fo much about it?This makes way for me to flip into the Fourth Particular. Fourthly, 7o enquire what bind of Portion this is, that thefe men of the world, have in this world , that they make fuch aflir about. And therefore to make way for that; Firft. Confider what poor things they are, that they make fuch a fir about. Secondly. Confider theTenure, upon which they hold' whatfoever they do enjoy. Thirdly. Confider the mixture of Evil, that there that they do enjoy. Fourthly. The blzí d Portion,that they lofe, than they might enjoy. Lafrly. The dreadful end that there will be to fuch men that have :heir portion here. I. thepoor things, that men have here in this world; What are they ? Their Comforts for the mot part, are but imaginary; In Hofes, I2: I. Ephraim feeds upon the wind And when a bladder is ful of wind, one prick lets it quite out ; and fo when Death cornet, it lets out all their Com- forts : even as thewind `goes all out at one prick in a bled L der ;. 1.