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3$Q The Mfery of thofe Men der ; fo all the comforts of the men of the world, go out by the prickofdeath : In Prov. 23.5 . Wilt thoufee thy heart aspon that which it not ? it i s not, it bath no reality in it. And in Aeh, 25. when Bernice and Agrippa came in great pomp and flute to the Affembly :`that whichyou have in your books tranflated great Pomp, it is in the Greek, with great Fancie : all the pomp and jollity in the world, it is but a fancy, this is their portion. 2. That which they have, it is of a very low nature; this would be an argument, we might pbylofophize in, if it were fit, or if we had time, but l'lequickly pafs over theft things, it's ofa very low nature,it not much concerns the foul, all the portion they have ; Therefore faith the Text here, Thoufilleft their belt ; it's but a belly full ; what is that to the foul ? Indeed the rich man in the Gofpel could fay, Soul, take thy eafe, for thouhaft good! ;aid rp for manyjeers, eat, drink, &c. Wilt thou fay, Soul,,take thy cafe, becaufe thou haft goods laidup, and becaufe you may tat, and drink ? What is all this to the fool ? Ambrofe bath fuch a fpeech upon the place,If the man had tilt foul ofa (wine, what couldbe Paidotherwif ? for indeed tbefe thingswere fu- table to the foul ofa (wine : you (hail find that a man is not the better,becaufe of outward tb ngs,not a whit; theheart of the wicked is little worth ; his elute may be fomewhat worth, his houfe maybe fomew'hat worth, his lands may be fomewhat worth, ; But the heart ofthe wicked it littleworth, Prov. io. And would not you think it tobe a great evil, ifío be that when you go upand down abroad,you fhould certainly know, that there is no mandoth give you any en- tertainment, orany refpe&, but it is for your fcrvancs fake . that tends upon you, would not that difconrageyou, and trouble you ? Indeed youcome to fuch a mans houfe, and he Teems to make you welcome, and you haveentertain- ment; I but you come to know afterwards that it was not for your fake, but for your fervants fake that he loved ; would you think you bad a good entertainment there? the truth is) foall the refpc&You bave in this world, it is for your