that have theirPortion in this life. your fervants fake, for your goods, houfe, and lands, it is not for anyworth that is in you. It was a fpcech that So- crates fp ke once,to one Acbiloter, when he had a fine houfe, and a many brave things there, (faith he) Thereare many come to fee thy houfe, and thy tine things there, but no body comes to tee thee ; they know there is a worth in thy fine houfe, and in thy fine furniture, but they fee noworth in thee. Indeed all theft things are not fouls meat, it is not mans meat they feed upon, it is but athee, it is nothing to the foul of man. Further : 3. Suppofe it were for the foul, What thou haft here, is but a very poor pittance, a fcanty portion, thou halt not all the world neither, thou haft thy portion in this world ; ifthoubadil the whol world at command, yea,if God fhould make a thoufandworlds more for thee to coin- mand, this were all but a poor pittance to put off an irn- moral foul withal : but now, chat thou haft is but a little minnlm in the world : All Nations of the Earth are but as the dolt of the bdllance, anddrop of the bucket to God ; What is thy dtufi then?what is thy houfe, and land then? As Socrates wittily rebuked the prideofAlcibiades, when he tweedy proud, that he had fo much Land lay together? He brought Map of the world to him,and faithhe,Pray thew mewhere your land lies herr,one prickof a pen would have dcfcribed it all. Should we take a rich man here that of the world to bath a great England, g; bring Ireland, and Scotland, arc but three little' him, all fpots unto the world; And what are your Farms, andyour Mannours you have you havebut a little portion, ifyou had all, it were no great matter : the truth ia,All youhave in this world cannot be enough tomake you live in faeniott in the world,like a man; it's norenough (I fay) for to live like a man in the world, to live like one that hashan im- mortal foul,like one that bath the image ofGod uponhim, andwas fent hither into the world todoTome great fervice as every one of you was fent hither todo ; therefore it it bolawean thing, lickwile yo you have for to cejoyce in it;, ác'ß