3;2 The Miféry of thofa Men It's true, they that arc Godly, account themfelves unworn thy of the !nit thing they have here in this world, but l'le tell you aMystery of Religion now, a praEtical Maxim of Religion, that is a great Myiterie to the word, and that is this, That a gracious heart, though he thinks hi mfelf unworthy of the 'tali cram of bread, yet all she Greaturts in Heaven and Earth will not ferve hits ko be tic portion, will not fatisfie him ; though hehath a heart chat will be fat+sfi:d with any thing, as counting hiadele unworthy of the meanest condìdon in this world, as a pre(ent gift of God, but if God fhould give him fleav,ti and Lath, he bath (uch an unfatisfying heart, as he would c- -sot be latï76- cd with Haven and Earth, except God gives him F- imfelf : therefore certainly thy portion h but a vzry lithe portion. q. Thole thingÇ that thou haft, wee thir~ÿ;s .Ct iS will ',atria), and quickly cope to nothing. It? ,,Lót the who' world, w. job, 26..7. á ,_ who! ca/.f ,tiatrgspponno thing; and fo all the't pings of .the Earth t p,:,, n .there- fore it is faid of Abr. ban ; io Hebrews,, i t,, .'thwtt be forsgbt aC"j that hadfoundationi : All or,raer thin ,s, 4ä'e as ìl ß gs that há_ye no foundation at all; There is a- +ivr za it every creature, that will coofuvite it its time; and.,ttie SiElpture calls all our riches, V/tcertain riches ; and Chriílian thou art made for aneternal-condition, thefe thing) are fading ; when thou cornett to enter in upon thy er.crnal effete, if thou fhould'it then alt, what (hail 1 have now ? J have now thus much, and thts3 much, in my who' life, but what (hall I have now I come to Incur in upon my eternal eftate, truly nothing at all. Ira man were to go a great Voyage ro the Indies, and.all the provifon he makes h this, 'begets a VefIll that can make fhift to carry him as far as Gravefend, that hewill do, and what netal to hach of pto- vifion to Gravefend, or perhaps to the Downl, he provides for; he goes on, and should goon now to the Downs, and begins his Voyage togo to the Indies, and is go:tet into the Ocean ; alas theVeffel is a rottenVefl ; Were not this an unwifetnan? Truly this is the candîrión_ of .thoufands in