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that have their Portion in this life. in the world ; Man, Woman, thou art made for an eternal condition ; God intends Eternity to every MothersChild that is here this day, & God exp &s that thy life fhouid be (pent in making provifian for rhíá Eternal e[fate hint, and thou thinkett of nothing bur that thou to :.iett pro- vide for a few years here, and live in lone faihon, and be forne body in the world here; Oh! When thou c melt to enter upon the Oceanof Ettrniey,thouiit give a dread- ful ihreek, and cry out, I am undone, I era uadone, 1 have provided nothing for Eternal life ; tioefe Oiugs are very un- certain : Oh what a deal of di ff.rence there is between the fame men in two or three yR trs? l rizxgh. rcli you (but the time fo battens; that great difference two or tree years have made betwen man and man, btu I forbear it, becaufe I fce the time will nor give leave And yet further for the meannefs ofthe portion. 5. What ever thon haft in this world, it is no ocher, but what may i and wich the Eternal t atrtd of an infinite God towards the; it may lees or portion of a Reprobate, and wrli- this ffrve thy turn? will this fati:fie th& will that (acidic thy foul, that may be the portion of a Repro- bate'? There are many now that are fweliring under the wrath of the infinite God, that have had twenty times as much as any of you have, that are here before the Lord this day, they have had greater eflates than yocf,mnd lived mer- rier lives than you,0.and yet are now under the wrath of God ; Wil a Reprobates portion.ferve rhw turn ? Therefore furely it is but a mean thing, that will hand with GodsE- ternal hatred; Confider it, To enjoy the Dominion of all the world, may Band with Gods Eternal hatred ; but to have but the leafi1 drama of laving grace, cannot ftatnd wish Gods Eternal hatred : What a difference is there between the having the leafl dramof grace, and the enjoyment dal the world ? what a goodlyportion is there here that thou fo much rejoycefi in It is certainly,becaufe thy heart it fo flraight, that thou thinkeft thefe things tobe fa big; As ina narrowVsffcl, 4 Ching will appear big, bus in a mig ay 333