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334 The M f r) of thofe Men t, wide Vefl'el, it appears little ; So when the Lord by grace (hall widen and enlarge thy heart,then all the things ofthe world will be little to thee; Grace path the I mage ofGodin it, now what faith Cod of Hirnfelf, in Ifa. 40, All the world it but at thedropof thebucket, and the dull ofthe ba1lance; Now grace bath Godelikenefs, and through the Image of God in a gracious heart, theSoul faith thus of the world, asGod faith ofthe world, that all the world is but as the drop of the bucket, and theduff of thebal- lance to me ; When theLord promifed toperfwade Japbet to dwell in the tents ofShern ; the word that is tranflated per/wßde, in fignifies to enlarge, that He would enlarge the heart of Japbet; and indeed when God doth convert a foul, the Lord doth enlarge that foul, doth enlarge the . heart, and therefore all the things ofthe world, are now but little; Indeed ifa man be below here, and looks upon which is next to him, that bath any bignefa in i.-, it thews fomewbat great, but if a man were advanced on high, upon the top of a Pinacle, then that which fremd great, appears but little to him ; fo the menof the world, that here lie groveling below, and thecurfe of the Ser- pent is upon them, Vpon thy belly(halt thougo, and dullfhalt thou eat, they think the things of the world great mattets; but grace lifts up the heart on high toGod and Chtiff, mounts it up to Eternity, and then they can lookupon all there things here below, as mean things; and this was the reafon that Luther, when he had great gifts feat in to him by many of the great menof Saxony, hebegan to be afraid, leftthe Lord fhould rejeet him, here in this world, and he bath this expreffion, 1 did vehemently protefl Gad fhouldnot put me offo; that is his word, according to the manner ofthe man, you know the man, and his language; according to the manner of his language thus he fpeaks, when there came in things of the world, and he began to be tickledwith honor, and greatmen did refpect him, Oh (thought he) I thanbe fomebody now in the world, thus corruption begin to work, but grace did prevail, andbe break&