Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

that have their Portion in this life. 335 breaks out with this exprefíion, I did profcffe God fhould not put me off Co, the Lord fhall not put me offfo; there are other things which I look for, things which arebetter and higher, there are poor pittances for this foul of mine to be putoffwìthal, there areother things I muff have from the Lord, or elfe I cannot be fatisfied. That's the Firff thing, the poor things ofthe world, which is the Portion of wicked men. Secondly, ConfdertheTenure bywich theybold it. All youhave in the world, youhold it not by a good Tenure, it is not held in Capite, that is not the tenure you hold it by: I confefre this, I think not the men of the world to be Ufurpers for what they lawfully get in the world, I do not think they $hall anfwer meerly for their ufing what theydo, meerly for their right toufe that they have, but they Iheli anfwer for their not right-ufing; they (hall not anfwer (I Cay) for their right toufe, but for their not right-ufing; they have fon:e right, but what right is it they hold it upon ? what tenure ? There is a Threefold right : t. A right from 7ufiice, that we may claim a thing by : One can claimby Jaffice, fuck a thing is his due : That's not your right, you cannot claim any thing. 2. There is 'a right from Creation, that God gave to man at fìrtî Creation : you have 'off that too. 3. There it a right from Protnif ? God hath now promi- fd all good things to his people; you have not that right neither : You have neither the right ofJuftice toclaim; nor the right from your Creation ; nor the right fromPro- mile : What right then ? There is a Fourth right, and that right I confefs you have, and that is, g.. .A right f omDonation : God is pleafed to give toyou, but juft thus ; You hold all your Honors and Dives, that are ungodly men, juft thus, Even as a man that is condem- ned to die, and there being a little reprieving for twoor three