mausbaeopusIMMiiile 336 the Mzry of thof Men threedeice beFore his executioh,thePrince out of his indul- gence, gives order to have provifion made for him accor- ding to his Q2ality,that if he be a Gentleman, he Thal have fuch provifion, ifa Knight, a Nobleman, a Peer of the Realm, he íha!I have provifion according to his Qality, till hit Execution; now no man can fay, this man u(urps, though he bah forfeited all his right to his Land and E- ílate, yet ifthe King will give him this refre(hment,heis no ufurper but it is a p@or right he hath,it's a right from Do- nation: and thus God gives theungodly men,in this world they have a right to outward comforts : you have your Portion, but you fee how you hold it . That's the Second thing. I have brit one or two things more to difpatch of this particular: and two things further, and I (hall wind up all as briefly ae I can. (I am told I may take force liber- ty at Cush a time as this is, and teeing it isonly the prea- ching oportunity we meddle withal ; give me leave a little .the more to traufgreífe upon your patience,in that I hope it will not be very much) The next thing to be confidertd,ic is, That this Portionhere,as k's poor in regard of the mean things, and the Tenure: So, Thirdly ; There it a great deal of Mixture here in this you bave. z . There is a manifold Mixtureof Cumber, of Trouble; and the truth is, All the good things that wicked men en- joy in this world, will fcarce bear charges ; that is, there is fo much trouble they meet withal here in this worldwith their Portion, that all they have will fcarce bear. charges And ifa man goes a Voyage, we utenot tocount any thing he fpendsby the way to be part of his Treefury, Now all we have here in this world, is but Spending money tobear our Charges, in regard God knows we (hall be at a great deal of Charges, and aflii&ions we (hall ttxeet with here. But bcfides: 2. Thee isa Mixture of Curie in every Portion ofan Ungodlyman. Hang of you think you get fuch a rich Match, youget anHeir that is a, very richMatch, and yots