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that have their Portion in this life. 337 get her portion, and thereyou go and fetch away the bags of Gold that are her portion, but if it (hould prove that e- very bagof Gold you have ofyour Wives portion had the Plague in ir, is were but a poor portion. Certainly it is thus with all ungodly once in the world,that all the while they live, whactocver they enjoy, Co long as continuing wicked, they havea CurieofGod that goes along with it, and makes way unto Eternal mifery for them : As thofc that arc godly have the blotting of God in outward things, that makes way for their Eternal good ; So thou haft the Guile of the Lord mingled with all thy outward things that tni kes way for Eternal evil unto thee. And then, Confider, 3. What portion thou Idea ; thou haft gotten one, but thou iofoft a great deal more : i!a man had been at the Ex- chanfle, and made Come bargain about Come petty thing, and ;.1 ftcrwards when he comes home, knows that by not buyi, ; Inch a thing, he bath loft á bargain that would have made him and his pottcritie, he bath Title caule of re- joycing in that bargain he bath rnade:So though thou haft got a portion that may Ceem to tatiafie thee fomwhat,know thou haft loft a portion of iaíìnit worth and value; and it's impoifible to thew youwhat this portion is ; for the Devil could thewChrift all the glory of the world in the twink- ling of an eye but if I tbould come to thewyou the glory of Heaven, I had need have Eternity to thew you what the portion of the Saints is, but though I cannot thew it you all, I will onlygive you a hint or two,thac youmay know fomewhat, what it is ; i. It is fuch a portion,as is fit for the Spoufe ofthe Lamb, as is fit for theSpoufe ofone that i$ to marry the Son of God, the ficond Perfon in Trinity. 2. It is tech a portion, which is fit and Curable to an Heir of Lifeand Glory,an Hcir ofHeaven and Earth. 3 It is fuch a portion , as God loth give it unto them, to this very end, As todeclare what the infi- nite Power of God is able to do, to ralfc a poor crea- M ps turc