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Gof iel-Converfation. I livingGod, in the dayof infpeaation, ofoverfeeing; therefore be ye careful ofyour Converfations in refpe 1ofwicked men, to convince them. Secondly, In refpeel ofwicked men, to flop their mouthes, their malice, violence,and rage, i Pet. 2. a 5. Forfo is the Will of God, that With Well doingyemay put toPence the ignorance offoolïfb men. The word there tran[latedPut toHence, it is to put (as it c'1' ooL- were) a bridle into their mouthes, or to flop their mouthes, you may even flop their mouthes by your holyConverfation ; Oh Chriflians look toyour Converfations, that by them you may flop the mouthes ofwicked and ungodly men, that they may not be able to fay any thing againfl your holy Converfations fo in i Pet. 3. r 6.Having a good cexfcience,that where .0 they !pea:: evilofyou as of evildoers, they may be afhamedthatfalflyaccssfèyogr roodConverfation in Chrifo. Thirdly, Yea, you mayby your good Converfation be a means to convert other men, to bring wicked men into the love of the waies of God : i Pet. 3. 1 2. the exhortation there is directed to wives that had wicked husbands. Like,Wifeyewives be infubjeflion toyour own husbands, that if they obey not- the word, they alfo may without the Word be won by the Converfation of the wives, While they beholdyour chafo Converfation coupled Withfare. Mark,how theApofile urges upon wives to look to theirConver- fations to the end that they may be a means to gain their hus- bands. I am verily perfwaded that there are many gracious wo. men that would give ("if they had it) a thoufand worlds to gain their husbands to thofe waies of godlinefs that they have found fo much fweetnefs in,but perhaps they cannot get them to come and hear the Word, and if they do, their hearts rife againft it, or it may be they little regard it ; butyou by your Conver- fationsmay do that which the word will not do, you may be converters ofthem; and in this fenfe indeed ; there may be wo- men preachers, that is, preaching in their lives and Converfa- tions, and that's all the preaching that the holy Ghof} allows women, let them preach that way, in their lives and Converfa- tions in their families, and preach every day a Sermon, and neither God nor man will find fault withany fuch thing, and this is the way for them todo great fervice for God ; and fo D z likewife