338 The Nlifer, of thof Mm cure to the height of happincfs; What think yon this muff be that (I fay) it mutt therefore be dope, that it might declare to Angels, and all creatures, What the infinit power of God is able to do,to reify a poor creature to happinifs and glory. Thin mua be fomewhat- 4. h aloft be filch a one, as in which God mutt attain unto the great deign that he had from all eternity in making the Heaven, and Earth; the fp;cial de- fgn that God had in making Heaven and Earth, from all Eternity, it Was, to magnific theRiches of His Grace, to a Company that He had fee apart to glory ; i' mutt be Inch a portion, and guefs you what this mutt needs be. 5. It is fuels a portion, as mutt require the infinite po- wer of God to fupport a Creature to be able tobear the weight of that glory : it's fucha portion. And do you but think what kind of portion that muff needs be 6. All this mutt needs be now to all Eternity. I re- member when Efau did but hear If :ac his fat her tel what a bluffing he had given unto Jacob, the Text faith, that Efau fell a weeping. Ohl that God would frske upon the hearts of men that have fo little minded any thing, but the prefent things of the world; thou hear`} but a few words of what the Lord hash referved to all eternity for his Saints, and compare but that with what is thy portion, and what is like to be thy portion ; and thou halt taufe to weep; I, but more caufe you will have to weep, if fo be you confider the lati thing. Vift`hly. What is libi to be thy End, tby Portion it in this $r'orld ; if indeeä thoucouldfl ruffle it out in this world, anden- joy thy hurts define, and share an end, it were fomewhat : Obhut the, a is f ósewbat elfin lain, afterwards : As tom, a. Oh